SignUp DisputeGuru - CredKin - Financial Well-being Platform for Employers
DisputeGuru works with CredKin's Monitoring System to help you improve your Credit Score.
It can help you delete the following accounts from Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion:
Late Payments, Repossessions, Charge-offs, Foreclosures, Collections, Judgements, Inquiries, Bankruptcy.
Now you dont have to run around to fix credit.You dont have to contact bureaus individually. We bring it all in one place.
DisputeGuru's Software will identify which accounts are potentially hurting your credit. Not only that, it helps you create powerful disputes to remove them.
Dispute as many accounts as you want on all 3 bureaus at the same time. It doesn’t matter if you have one account or fifty accounts to dispute, DisputeGuru can easily manage and track all of them.
We provide you with Professional Letters via our Letter Generator. It will help you create effective disputes based on Consumer Protection laws.
Every Month, DisputeGuru will import your new 3 Bureaus Reports to show your updated scores. If a dispute has not been deleted, we will suggest alternative strategies.
We're committed to providing you with the best possible customer service.
For Questions email us at or Call: (855) 955-4180
Available: Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm CT

Yes. For a one-time setup fee of $99, a CredKin Specialist can on-board you on our software. You can email us at for more info.